The biggest secret to youthful-looking skin: Hydration

woman washing face, water, merlot skin care

At the beginning of every new year there’s a push to de-toxify and de-stress. One of the keys to de-toxifying is also one of the biggest secrets to youthful-looking skin: hydration.

Drink those eight glasses

While how much water we need depends on where we live and how active we are, the classic eight glasses a day is a good jumping off point. To make sure you get enough H20, keep a re-fillable water bottle on your desk and keep it filled throughout the day. Drink one bottle in the morning, one at lunch, and one in the afternoon.

Remix your diet

Certain foods can also help keep up our hydration levels. Spinach, watermelon, and other fruits and vegetables can be great sources of water. Easily add in a spinach salad to your lunch or dinner.

Hydrate while you sleep

Overnight, our bodies lose water through respiration (exhaling) and transpiration (sweating). To keep skin hydrated, consider adding a night cream into your daily routine. Dry, dehydrated skin can be more prone to show lines and wrinkles, while moisturized skin helps maintain your youthful look.

Raise a glass – of water!