3 Beauty Resolutions To Make In 2015

woman, new years resolutions, beauty, merlot skin care, grape seed

With just a few days before a brand new year, it’s a great time to make a few beauty resolutions for 2015.

  • Evaluate Your Daily Routine – The new year is a great time to take a look at the things you do to look and feel your best each day. We can all fall into certain habits – forgetting to wash our face before bed, neglecting to put on sunscreen, not drinking enough water – but we can take stock of these and make some changes to feel even better in the future. Take a minute to write down how you start and end each day, and one small change you could make, like drinking an extra glass of water.
  • Give Your Skin The One Thing It Needs – There’s usually one thing more than anything else that our skin is calling out for. For those of us with dry skin, it’s extra moisturizer. For those of us with thinner skin, it’s an extra dose of collagen. Does your skin feel overly dry? Are dark under-eye circles routinely a problem? Assess what your skin might be the most in need of and add in a product solution to your daily routine.
  • Say No To Sun Spots – While the sun can seem like our best friend, especially while we’re logging ski or beach time, it can really take a toll on our skin and contribute to premature aging. Make sure that your daily moisturizer has an SPF, and don’t forget to apply it to your hands as well as your face. To decrease the look of sun spots, keep an eye out for products like Merlot’s Hand Cream Plus Sanitizer, which can help fade already-established dark spots.

Just a few simple changes can have a big impact on how we feel each day. Start the new year off by looking and feeling better than ever.